Circles meet 1st Tuesday --> September to May (Daffodil Circle meets 1st Wednesday)
Circles meet 1st Tuesday --> September to May (Daffodil Circle meets 1st Wednesday)
By-Laws – The Federated Circles of the Pioneer Garden Club, Inc. By-Laws revisions October 2016
* Section 1: The name of this Corporation shall be the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Florida, Inc., located at Ocala, Marion County, Florida. The Seal of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala was accepted by the Membership in 1954. The official flower of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. shall be the Hemerocallis (Daylily). The club colors are green and yellow.
*Section 2: The objectives of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., and the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. are to organize themselves into a not for profit association for the purpose of engaging in activities which are charitable, educational and scientific within the meaning of Section 501(C ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Specifically:
1. To aid in the protection and conservation of natural resources.
2. To promote civic and roadside beautification.
3. To advance the fine art of gardening, the study of horticulture and the artistic use of plant material.
4. To work with other agencies in the furtherance of the interests of horticulture and conservation.
*Section 1: Members shall have the privilege of voting and holding office in the Pioneer Garden Club. Pioneer Garden Club offers its members opportunities to be involved with local community efforts to conserve natural resources, beautify public areas, and advance the artistic use of plant materials. Members are expected to participate in and support the activities of Pioneer Garden Club.
Article III – DUES
*Section 1: The fiscal year of Pioneer Garden Club shall be from June 1 through May31. Deadline for dues will be May 1.
*Section 2: Annual dues to Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. shall be $25.00 per capita, $12.00 of which goes to the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. FFGC Life Members’ dues are $13.00.
*Section 3: The individuals new to Pioneer Garden Club shall pay an initiation fee of $15.00 in addition to the annual dues of $25.00.
*Section 1: A Garden Club Circle shall consist of no less than 10 members. It shall select its personnel and its name, elect its officers, decide its line of study, and fix the amount of Circle dues and the time of its meetings.
*Section 2: The probationary period for organizing a Circle is one (1) year. The following criteria shall be met to be considered a functioning Circle of the Pioneer Garden Club: At least one third membership who have been members for (1) one year or more in Pioneer Garden Club; held at least (6) six meetings of members during probationary period and adopted dues, as desired. The Governing Board has responsibility for reviews of the new Circle submitting the request for membership.
*Section 3: Probationary Circles voted into full membership before January 1 shall pay full next year dues. Circles voted into membership after January 1 shall pay next year’s full dues by May 1. Circles on probation shall pay only dues to Pioneer Garden Club.
*Section 1: The elected officers of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. shall be a President, First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Third Vice President, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer. No officer may serve in the same office for more than one consecutive two year term beginning with the Pioneer Garden Club year 2015-2017 except the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.
*Section 2: The President shall preside at all combined meetings of the Federated Circles of Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. and at all meetings of the Governing Board and the Executive Committee. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee and shall review all prospective candidates for Committee Chairmen submitted by the Vice Presidents. She shall appoint the following:
The Parliamentarian shall assist the President on points of parliamentary procedure when requested, and fulfill required duties as outlined in Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised book.
Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to correspondence as directed by the President or the Governing Board.
Assistant Treasurer
The Assistant Treasurer shall be conversant with all functions and procedures of the Treasurer’s office and shall work closely with the Treasurer on coordinating all financial transactions and shall perform the duties of the Treasurer in the event of the absence or disability of the Treasurer. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall serve as Treasurer for the remainder of the unexpired term. The President and the new Treasurer shall appoint a new Assistant Treasurer who shall also be a member of the Budget and Finance Committee.
*Section 3: The First Vice President, in addition to the above, shall be focused on the financial stability of the Corporation, and shall serve as Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee. She shall be an ex officio member of all permanent and Special Committees, except the Nominating Committee and serve as liaison to the Florida Gardener. She may appoint Committee Chairmen for all fund-raising activities.
*The Second Vice President, in addition to the above, shall be externally focused for Community Involvement and shall serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee. She may appoint Committee Chairmen for seasonal events.
*The Third Vice President, in addition to the above, shall be internally focused for membership activities and may appoint Committee Chairmen for the Yearbook and Member Services. This office shall maintain a list of the Circle members of the Federated Circles of The Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc.
*Section 4: The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, maintain a list of all officers, members of the Governing Board, and members of the Standing and Special Committees.
*Section 5: (a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. She shall pay all bills incurred by the Pioneer Garden Club, Inc., or by the President or Committee Chairmen, and shall receive and file vouchers for such payments. She shall present a financial statement at each meeting of the Governing Board. The books shall be audited at the close of each fiscal year. (b) The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer may be bonded.
Article VI – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE *Section 1: There shall be an Executive Committee of the elected officers and appointed officers. The Parliamentarian shall attend meetings as an advisor.
*Section 2: It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to transact business requiring immediate action at the call of the President.
*Section 3: Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held during June and July for planning the calendar and budget based upon Circle Calendars, Member Survey and prior year financial statement.
*Section 4: Any vacancy occurring in the elected officers of the Pioneer Garden Club, Inc. before their term of office expires shall be filled by the President with approval of the Executive Committee. The Vice Presidents, in their order, shall preside at the meetings whenever the President is absent or when requested by the President to do so. When so presiding they shall perform all duties of the President. In the event of a presidential vacancy, the First Vice President shall succeed at once to the office of the President until the next election. The Governing Board shall elect a new First Vice President to serve until the next regular election of officers.
*Section 1: The Governing Board shall consist of the elected officers of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc., the Presidents of all Circles, Committee Chairmen, the Counselor (the immediate Past President of the Pioneer Garden Club, Inc.), and the Parliamentarian.
*Section 2: The Governing Board shall be empowered to transact any and all business of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc., shall control the funds of the organization, and shall consider and decide all questions of policy.
*Section 3: The Governing Board shall hear from probationary Circles during its regular May and February meetings for the following purposes:
1. To provide notification of the intent to establish a new circle according to Article IV.
2. To provide a six-month update of Probationary Status.
3. To submit a request for membership after meeting the criteria stated in Article IV.
*Section 4: There shall be (4) regular meetings of the Board each year.
1. August- for adopting an annual Budget and Calendar of Activities,
2. November- for collecting money from Poinsettia Orders and for activating Nominating Committee,
3. February -for Probationary Circle Hearings, Slate of New Officers & Bylaw Amendments,
4. May- for Probationary Circle Hearings, Review of Member Survey & Collecting Circle Member Rosters and Dues.
*Section 1: The Standing Committees shall be the Budget and Finance Committee, Nominating Committee and Publicity Committee.
*Section 2: The Budget and Finance Committee shall be chaired by the First Vice President and composed of the President, Third Vice President, the Treasurer, and the Assistant Treasurer. The Chairman shall report at each meeting of the Pioneer Garden Club Governing Board, as deemed necessary.
a. The Committee shall direct the investment, reinvestment and distribution of all funds as authorized by the Governing Board.
b. All amendments to the budget shall be subject to the approval of the Governing Board.
c. The Chairman shall assign other duties to the Budget and Finance Committee as deemed necessary.
*Section 3: The Budget and Finance Committee shall at all times be conversant with the financial status of the Pioneer Garden Club, Inc. and shall formulate a tentative budget to be presented to the Governing Board for approval at the August Board Meeting. This budget shall provide for the expenses of the current year and for a contingent fund to cover other emergencies that may arise.
*Section 4: The Nominating Committee shall be composed of a delegate from each circle and chaired by the Second Vice President. This Committee shall become active following the November Board meeting in even-numbered years, and shall present a proposed slate of officers to the Governing Board at its regular meeting in February of the odd numbered years. This slate, with nominations from the floor, if any, shall be voted on in odd-numbered years by the membership at the General March meeting of the Federated Circles of the Pioneer Garden Club, Inc.
*Section 5: Circles shall activate their Nominating Committee in conjunction with the Pioneer Garden Club Nominating Committee.
*Section 6: The Publicity Committee shall be composed of the Circle Presidents and chaired by the President. The role of this committee is to facilitate communication within the organization and outside the organization to create
(a) understanding about the mission of the organization,
(b) awareness about community outreach activities, and
(c) membership growth. The Committee shall maintain a list of external publicity contacts and shall be responsible for submitting a budget to accomplish communication according to its stated role.
Article IX - COMMITTEES *Section 1: Permanent Committees shall be established by the Governing Board and shall be chaired by the First, Second or Third Vice Presidents according to their duties as stated in Article V, Section 3. The committees shall conform, insofar as possible, to those of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
*Section 2: Each chairman's term of office expires at the end of an administration and chairmanship shall be transferred to the successor along with a concise written evaluation, which shall be signed and dated, and shall include the successes and failures of such chairmanship.
*Section 3: Special Committees are established by the President, as needed, to function during the current administration. The President shall appoint a chairman for the Special Committee which shall conform insofar as possible, to those of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. A Special Committee shall be under the direction of the Governing Board.
Article X –GENERAL MEETINGS *Section 1: The Pioneer Garden Club, Inc. shall have two (2) General Meetings during each administration for the membership. In odd numbered years, the March General Meeting shall be for the election of officers, and the May General Meeting for the installation of officers. In even numbered years the May General Meeting shall be for Special Recognitions by the President and the hearing of By-Laws Changes or other pressing business that must come before the membership other than election of officers. General Meetings shall be listed in the 2 -Year Calendar approved by the Governing Board and publicized in the Member Yearbook.
*Section 2: The presentation of annual reports by Officers, Circle Presidents and Committee Chairmen shall be made at each General Meeting.
Article XI – ELECTIONS *Section 1: The election of officers shall be held at the General Meeting of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. in March in odd numbered years. A majority vote rule shall apply.
*Section 2: The Officers shall assume their duties in May following their election by attending the May meeting of the Governing Board in the odd numbered years. They shall hold office for one (1) two-year term except the Treasurer.
*Section 3: The nominating Committee shall submit a slate to the Governing Board per Article VIII, Section 4. The slate shall be selected from the membership at large to be voted upon, after having ascertained that these have served in a leadership capacity for Pioneer Garden Club on the Governing Board or as an Officer of a Circle.
*Section 4: Nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee. When there are no nominations from the floor, the election may be made by acclamation. When nominations from the floor are made, the election shall be by written ballot and the majority vote shall elect.
Article XII – DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES *Section 1: The President and an alternate elected by the Governing Board shall represent The Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Florida, Inc. at all FFGC meetings. A sum shall be set aside to cover the registration of the President and Alternate.
*Section 2: Each Circle shall be entitled to delegates or alternates as follows:
(a) Membership of 10 to 25: Circle President or alternate.
(b) Membership of 26 to 50: Circle President plus (1)
Article XIII – BY-LAWS *Section 1: These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Governing Board by a two - thirds vote of those present, provided written notice of the proposed amendment has been previously presented to the Governing Board and in turn read to each of the member circles at least one month prior to the time of the desired action.
*Section 2: Roberts Rules of Order shall be the official parliamentary authority of this organization.
*Section 3: To amend the charter of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. it is necessary to petition to the State Attorney. *
Section 4: The By-Laws of the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala, Inc. shall automatically be changed when necessary to be in accordance with the By-Laws of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs. The membership shall be notified of such changes when and as made. Pioneer Garden Club Standing Rules Revised September 2013
1. This Club shall refuse endorsement of partisan political measures or persons.
2. No solicitation of funds shall be made from assembled members without prior approval of the Governing Board.
3. The President shall appoint a Committee to review the By-Laws once every four years, beginning in 2000.
4. Circles must clear all changes of meeting dates with The Pioneer Garden Club Governing Board.
5. In selecting candidates for elected offices it is recommended that the Nominating Committee should select candidates from members who have served on the Board previously with no more than two candidates for an office from any one Circle.
6. It is recommended that each Circle should be represented on the Board by a Committee Chairman in the interests of fair representation.
7. The Treasurer shall advance money to each Circle for seasonal events, to the Chairman of the Flower Show Committee, and to other committees as approved by the Governing Board. The amount of monies advanced shall be approved by the Governing Board.
8. No one is permitted to borrow or remove any Garden Club property except for a Garden Club activity. When such property is removed, it must be signed out with the Properties Chairman.
Florida Conservation Law AN ACT relating to preservation of wild trees, vines, flowers, ferns and mosses: amending Section 865.06, Florida Statutes, providing exemptions; providing a penalty; repealing Section 865.061. Florida statues; providing an effective date. Be It Enacted by legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. Section 865.000. Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 86:06 Preservation of wild trees, shrubs and plants: Penalty.
(1) It is unlawful for any person to:
(a) Willfully pick, pull up, tear up, dig up, cut, break, injure or destroy trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, ferns and mosses which are hereinafter named in paragraph
(b) growing upon the land of another, or upon the land reserved, set aside or maintained by the state as a public park, or as a game preserve, or sanctuary for trees, plants, wild animals, birds or fish, without having previously obtained permission from the other person lawfully occupying such land or his representative or the superintendent or custodian of such park, refuge or sanctuary.
(c) Transport, carry or convey on any public highway, or sell or offer for sale in any place the following plants:
1. Bromeliads: all species of the bromeliad family sometimes known as air plants or wild pines, native to the state except Tillandsia Usneoides, the Spanish moss, which is specifically excluded from this law.
2. Orchids: all species of the orchid family, both Epiphytic and Terrestrial native to the state
3. Ferns: all species of the fern family, native to the state, except the following: all Acrostichum (Leather swamp fern), Blechnum (swamp fern). Nephrolepsis (Boston fern), Osmunda (cinnamon and royal fern) and Polpodium, Dryopertis ormalis; Dryopteris Thelypteris (marsh fern)and Pteris Cretica small brachen fern) which is specifically excluded from this law.
4. Palms: all species of the palm family native to the state, except the Sabal palmetto (cabbage palm) which is specifically excluded form this law.
5. Peperomia all species native to the state.
6. Sarracenia all species native to the state (pitcher plants).
7. Zamia all species native to the state (coontie).
8. Cercis Canadensis (redbud).
9. Epiea Repens (trailing arbutus).
10. Erythrina Arborea (Cherokee or coral Bean).
11. Eugenia Confusa and E Simpsonii (redbeffy and Eugenia).
12. Gelsemium Sempervireas (yellow Jasmine).
13. Gordonia Lasiaanthus (loblolly-bay).
14. Guaiacum Sanctum (roughbark lignum vitrae).
15. Guilandina Crita (nicker Bean).
16. llex Cassine, I is and I Opaca (dahoon, myrtleleaved and American holly).
17. Kalmia Latifolia (mountain laurel).
18. Jacquinia Keyensis (Ooewood).
19. Lobelia Cardinalis (cardinal flower).
20. Nemastylis Floridana (celestial lily).
21. Rhododendron Austriaunum and R. Canescens (wild azaleas).
22. Pickneya Pubens (fever tree).
23. Salpingostylis Coelestian (bartram’s ixia).
24. Sophora tomentosa (necklace-pod).
25. Taxus Floridana (Florida yew)
26. Tetrazygia Bicolor (tetrazygia).
27. Toffeye Taxifora (Florida toffeya).
28. Toumefortia Gnaphatodes (sea lavender).
29. Cornus Florida and Cornus Alternifolia (dogwood); which have been gathered, picked, pulled up, torn-up or broken in violation of this law.
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